10 Summer Life Hacks

So I started summer break a few days ago, and I am already bored... But something I needed was a few life hacks, then I didn't have any of that struggle on my mind. Because, you get bored, stressed and tired by struggling, right? So yeah. Here goes...

  • If you wanna prank your friends, then make a drink, snacks, food etc that looks like you have bought at a special place. Then, get your computer and find a pic of a location where you wanna be. Now you can take a picture (Try to make it look real), and you can share it with your friends, making them think that you are on vacation.๐ŸŒ‡
  • If you have extremely oily skin, then you can diy your own blotting sheets instead of spending tons of money. Just cut up tissue paper to the right size, then you can use them the same way๐Ÿ’ง
  • Have you ever ran out of dry shampoo? Then you might remember that everybody says to use baby powder. But what are the odds that you have baby powder? So instead you can use corn starch. I use that, and it works perfectly.๐Ÿ’จ
  • Do you not wanna be covered with white powder in your hair after using dry shampoo? Then you can put it in the night- or 30 min before going out. After that, you can blow dry out the powder, and it looks like you had time to shower in the morning.๐Ÿ’‡
  • Have oily ends? It would be kinda weird to apply dry shampoo at the ends, but instead, you can just wash your hair in the sink! It might sound weird, but hey, it works!๐Ÿ’‡
Bilderesultat for 10 summer life hacks
I do not own this picture. The picture belongs to Sasha Morga on youtube

  • If you want some healthy Popsicles, then you can cut up watermelon in triangles (Or any shape), stick in popsiclesticks and put the pieces in the freezer.๐Ÿจ
  • Do the bugs attack your drink when you're outside? Then get a cupcake liner, and stick it on your glass/cup. Remember to make a hole fro the straw tho๐Ÿธ
  • If your drink is almost falling over when you are at the beach, then you can use a cupcake tin to keep it up. You're welcome.๐Ÿน
  • Are you going to have a picnic or a barbecue? Then you can keep dressings, snacks etc in a muffin tin. It have compartments for different stuff, so, why not?๐Ÿ–
  • If you are like me and don't know what to do during summer? Then get small pieces of paper, write on whatever you would like to do during the summer, and put them in a glass jar. Whenever you are bored, you can just pick from your jar of ideas.๐Ÿ“ƒ
So I hope that you guys liked it. I do understand that people have gotten frustrated when I haven't uploaded anything, but I literally had to think for a few hours to figure out about this blog post. You can dm me on instagram if you have any ideas. I will hopefully get better about this now that it's summer break, so yeah. Happy summer break๐ŸŒธ
